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John Wharton :: Real Estate :: Property :: Rentals
Houses :: Cattle Stations :: Auctions :: Livestock
Land :: Consultancy :: Rural :: Richmond, North Queensland

Lamonds Lagoon is situated 360 kilometres north of Charters Towers in the Upper Burdekin River Catchment joining the renowned Valley of Lagoons on the southern boundary and Wairuna on the eastern boundary. Property has access to Ingham through Mt Fox, or Charters Towers through Marionvale to the Gregory Development Road.
Area: 26,000 ha (64,220 acres) plus a Special Lease 453 ha (1119 acres) Title consists of Pastoral Holding Rolling Term Lease (renew 2054) and Special Lease ( renew 2032)
Rates: Charters Towers Regional Council: $10,560 approximately per annum. Land Rent: $1880 quarterly.
Waters: The property has many natural waters, such as Lamonds Lagoon, which is on the Burdekin River channels, (10 kms frontage) on the southeastern side of the property, then Anthill Creek (20 klms) which runs along the Western side of the property. Combined with a Permanent Spring (Toft) and Walter Plains Lake (semi-permanent) covered in marine couch, plus 3 dams and 7 bores, 6 equipped with Solar Panels and electric starts on submersible pumps, one not equipped.
Rainfall: Approx. 750 mm per annum (30 Inches).
Type of Country and Pasture: The property is timbered with Ironbark, Bloodwood, Box, Moreton Bay, Yellow Stringy, Scented Gum, Poplar, Tea Tree, Lancewood, Mahogany, and other Eucalypts. Pasture is a mix of Black Spear, Kangaroo Grass, Forest Mitchell, Indian Couch, Buffel, Green Panic, Urachloa and legumes include Wynn Cassia, Desmanthus, Seca, Verano and Townsville Lucerne.
Ponded Pasture: Ponded pasture has been developed and continues to expand. Pasture in the ponded area includes Hymenachne, Paragrass and Couch. The topography of the property allows this principal to develop further.
Improvements: Lamonds has 2 sets of steel yards, with some holding yards constructed out of timber. The house yards are fully operational with Crush, Scales, branding facilities, Covered Dip, and covered areas. A large Hay shed is close to the yard. The property is divided into 6 large paddocks and numerous small holding/spelling/weaning paddocks totalling 15 paddocks. The property is well fenced. There are 2 houses on the property. 4-bedroom quality brick home, air-conditioned, recently renovated with breezeway, large dining/ living/kitchen area, with a large cold room, and nice garden. Second house is a timber and steel construction 3-bedroom home that is very comfortable and includes a new kitchen and outside deck. Machinery shed is a large 4 bay, 16m x 12 m structure with a cement floor area and a pallet loading deck. Molasses storage of 50 tonnes, gravity in and out.
Native Title: There have been two Native Title claims over the district. These have had very little, if any, impact on the cattle station operation.
NNTT no. QC 05/07 filed 22/3/05.
NNTT no. QC 04/8 filed 30/6/04.
Comments: The property is being offered bare of Livestock. Cattle that are available at market value will consist of 1800 high quality Brahman cows, plus progeny and Bulls, all under 10-year-old, plus 500 No 2 heifers currently being joined. Excellent breeder property, currently carrying 2500 cows in a safe rainfall area. Vendors have never had to shift cattle in the 24 years of ownership. Nice climate, quality homestead, good improvements, and well worth inspection. Some Plant will be included in the sale. List can be provided later.
Price on Application