mobile : 0427 777 660
John Wharton :: Real Estate :: Property :: Rentals
Houses :: Cattle Stations :: Auctions :: Livestock
Land :: Consultancy :: Rural :: Richmond, North Queensland

Keswick Station is a quality property, situated 35 kilometers north of Julia Creek,(bitumen road) and 3 kilometers off the Wills Development Road.
Keswick is watered by access to 2 x Flowing-Controlled Great Artesian Trust bores. The 2 Alva Trust bores supply water through Keswick by poly pipe and open boredrains.
Self-Cracking clay soils through out the property with Julia Creek chanels running through the northern part of the property. Mitchell grass, Flinders grass and many herbages grow on the property. Trees are Whitewood and Coolebahs in the creeks, with infestations of Prickly Acacia throughout the property.
Infrastructure: The Main house has 5 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms, double story home that has had major renovations 80% completed. Quality tiled flooring, air-conditioned throughout, and is in good condition. The second house has 3 bedrooms and is a quality home with air-condintioning throughout. Shearing shed and sheep yards is in working order, hay Shed and machinery shed, steel cattle yards and crush, loading ramp, etc. 8 Main paddocks and 2 Holding paddocks, with fencing in good condition. There is an Airstrip on the property that needs some maintenance, near the Wills Development Road.
Area and Tenure:
L5 EN 56 & L3 MF 33: GHPL 23/16246B & L1 PER 5797: PO23/5797 14626.55 HA ( 36,127 acres)
Agent Comments: Keswick is a working cattle and sheep property with livestock on the property. It has 17 kilometres frontage to the bitumen road to Julia Creek, and Julia Creek is situated on the Flinders Highway, beside the rail line from Mount Isa to Townsville Port. Ideal dry farming potential with deep self-cracking clay soils in the Flinders River Catchments. Flinders Highway has Triple Road train and AB Quad access all the way to the Port of Townsville. Property is being sold bare of Livestock and Plant presently, however, negotiations can be discussed at any time.
Price on Application
Contact: John Wharton 0427 777 660